Market/Genre research Genre: Action-Thriller Audience: Action thrillers are often aimed at teenagers and young adults, mostly males due to the fast pace and adrenaline fuelled elements of the films. However, females may also find them interesting. The suspense and tension found in action thrillers matches well with the vibrant energy of teenagers. Examples: Taken (2008), Faster (2010), The Fast and the Furious franchise Directors: Notable directors of action thriller films are James Cameron and Michael Bay. Between them they have created films such The Terminator series and The Transformers, both of which were primarily aimed at young people and teenagers due to their amounts of violence and captivating villains, creating strong rivalries in the films ad sparking suspense in the films. Characters: The characters in most action thriller films usually conform to the idea that they are well trained killers, who all have a motive for why they c...