From my research, I can see that males are more interested in action films. This can be expected as men are seen as more masculine and action films contain a lot of adrenaline and fast paced visuals, suitable for the high testosterone rates of men. Most of them prefer to watch films of this genre in the cinema, most likely with their friends, so that they can enjoy the rush together. This is useful research as I would be able to tell that if I were to make a film directed towards males, I would include key aspects of an action film the most. Females were seen to enjoy each genre equally, showing me that they prefer a mixture of all genres. A lot of the females who took part in the survey said that they look forward to who is the directing the film that they're watching. This tells me that women are more particular in the elements of the films that they are watching. This could give the impression that they're more careful in which films tey watch due to who...
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